Careers in Banking, Finance and Accountancy
A Guide from Success at School What jobs are out there? There are two types of banking. Retail banking refers to the so-called ‘high street banks’ where you, your family…
Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance
Informing your future
A Guide from Success at School What jobs are out there? There are two types of banking. Retail banking refers to the so-called ‘high street banks’ where you, your family…
A guide from Success at School Laws are official rules that regulate the way we act. If we break them, we can be fined, forced to do community service, or…
National Careers Week is 4th – 9th March 2024. During this week assemblies will be delivered by a variety of guest speakers and St Julie’s alumni to share their career…
To launch National Apprenticeships Week 2024 we’re starting the ball rolling with the updated Parents’ Guide to Apprenticeships. This contains everything you need to know about the different types of…
For National Apprenticeship Week we’ve got an updated opportunity list from Bellway Construction. You can see it by clicking here!
In time for the National Apprenticeships Week, the team at Success at School have published their 2024 Guide to Apprenticeships. Aimed at parents, the guide which is now in it’s…
Springpod have now consolidated all of their work experience opportunities into a single document that you can read below:
Have you ever thought about apprenticeships? This is a a really useful resource which will give you insight into what they are all about – and if they are right…
For students in Key Stage 4 Christ’s College ‘The Subject Matters’: A Level Choices webinar | Years 10-11 | 25 January 2024 This webinar will provide advice on what subjects…
Are you aged 16-18? Do you love history? Are you interested in finding out about careers related to history? Would you like to gain some virtual work experience? Historic England…