Everything you need to know about work experience – YouTube
Parent’s guide to work experience – YouTube
Each 6th form student has a number of employer encounters during Year 12 and 13 ranging from assemblies, alumni visits and presentations to hospital placements, local primary schools and businesses in addition to their work experience week in July. Please click on the case studies below to read more about how work experience has enabled them to gain first hand encounters of the world of work.
Case Study 1: Central Teaching Laboratories in the University of LiverpoolI also experienced what it is like to be a university student studying there as we did some of the work that first year students do. An example of this is when we experimented glacial ice flow, as part of the environmental sciences part of work. To do this, you first make silly putty which represents the ice that flows through the valley. During the practical, we used a model of a mountainous range that the university students made. Putting the putty on peaks and seeing how it flows down demonstrates how glaciers act in real life. This was a great opportunity to demonstrate what undergraduates do in order to understand the natural things in the world and how this helps them with their studies.
My work experience placement allowed me to gain and develop many skills such as communication and problem-solving which I used when working in a group to conduct experiments. I also gained lab skills in safety as we learnt how practicals are carried out in a way that means they are safe, including wearing gloves and goggles when necessary. These are skills I can take with me to university and in my future career.
I enjoyed my work experience placement a lot and it was very beneficial to me. Above all, I learnt a lot of valuable skills, gained experience in laboratory work and became secure in my knowledge of what university life could be like for me.
Alice, Year 12
Case Study 2: Observe GP Virtual Platform
Observe GP is an alternative to work experience for any aspiring medics aged 16 and over, who are living in the UK. It is a free interactive video platform providing insights into the role of a GP and the wider primary care team. Even though I want to be a nurse and not a doctor, this was a really good experience because it allowed me to learn more about being part of a multidisciplinary care team. I also saw how each person in the NHS has a specific role and that communication is key in order to keep patients safe and well no matter what your job is.
The initiative requires students to complete and reflective diary as well which was really useful when I had university interviews. At my interviews they wanted to know that I had an understanding of what a career in nursing entailed. They also wanted to check that I had the right personality, skills and characteristics to become a nurse. Even though I couldn’t get into a hospital the universities were impressed that I was able to reflect on what I’d covered on the course and I could talk about it in detail. I was disappointed that I couldn’t get into a hospital but this was the next best thing during the pandemic because I learned more about the different roles in the NHS than I thought I would. It also helped me because I got all my offers back from my university choices and nursing is really competitive.
Leyla, Year 13
Case Study 3: Local Pharmacy and virtual BSMS
In addition to this face to face placement, I also completed the BSMS virtual work experience at the beginning of Year 12. As many hospitals were unable to accommodate student Post Covid, I thought this would be a helpful alternative. This course gave me a closer Insight to how the hospital operates on a day to day basis and I gained more information about the daily life of a doctor. I got to see how the patient and doctor interact; and how reassuring the doctor’s words are to a patient when they are nervous or frightened. It also illustrated to me how important communication is whether you are communicating to another member of staff, a patient or their family.
Both opportunities have been really helpful to me as they have reinforced my ambition to study medicine at university but being in a workplace and interacting with customers has allowed me to see the skills the pharmacist has in addition to the qualifications they needed.
Krishna, Year 12
I already help out with after school clubs and activities but working as a teaching assistant with younger pupils has given me a better idea of the demands of the job. I have seen the work that goes into planning and delivering lessons and also with it being a practical subject how lessons have to be risk assessed to keep the students safe.
During my work experience I have set up lessons with equipment, helped to store equipment safely and seen how the teachers instruct and support students to achieve the lesson objective. Doing my work experience in school has made me more determined to be a PE teacher and it’s given me some of the skills I will need to do this such as communication, patience and being able to plan activities safely.
Lillie May, Yr 12
Breakdown of Sectors: 2021-22

Virtual Work Experience – on demand sessions
The challenges brought about by Covid-19 have extended to the work experience sector too. We all know how important Work Experience is – from observing the day to day workings of an organisation, to making informed career choices – it’s something all Year 12 students complete at the end of their first year of 6th form as part of their programme of study.
In these unprecedented times, many aspects of education have moved to a blended learning programme which combines face to face teaching and remote provision via online platforms – and Work Experience is no different.
We’ve sourced these virtual work experience opportunities for you so that you can obtain up to date information shared by a variety of professionals from a range of career sectors. Whether it’s the health care sector you’re interested in, or maybe you see yourself as the next Anna Wintour – the sessions below have been put together by professionals who want to help you to succeed. There’s interviews with doctors, the RAF and Army, sports coaches and photographers to name but a few.
If you’re still undecided, then why not check out the Virtual Careers Fayres listed at the bottom of the page for further information.
Medicine / Health
Radiography: Radiology – virtual work experience session – Bing video
Occupational Therapy Occupational Therapy – virtual work experience session – Bing video
Both sessions, delivered by Birmingham Women and Children’s NHS Trust, are 30 minutes long
The Medic Mind work experience sessions can be found here: Medic Mind Webinar Series #003 Live Virtual Work Experience | MM Y12 Webinar Series – Bing video
Meet medical practitioners, learn about a day in the life of…., exploring clinical skills and comparing the differences between each year in university.
The Medic Live: LIVE Work Experience Workshop – Bing video
A Day In the life of a Physiotherapist I Wanna Be a Physiotherapist · A Day In The Life Of A Physiotherapist – Bing video
How to become a surgeon in the UK How to become a Surgeon in the UK – Bing video
Medical and Dental Virtual Medical & Dental Work Experience 2021 – YouTube
The Police
The Online Police Recruitment process explained: The 2021 NEW Online Police recruitment process explained on Vimeo
Check out www.talkingblues.co.uk for further info
CSI – How to Become a Scenes of Crime Officer on Vimeo
Careers in Corporate Law Careers In Corporate Law – Bing video
Sports Coaching Careers Talks live episode 2 – How to get in to Recruitment – Max Pembleton (Link 3 Recruitment) – YouTube
Travel and Tourism Careers Talks Live Episode 7 – Travel Careers – Leia Morales (The Travel Counsellor) – YouTube
Finance and marketing
Nottingham Building Society Careers Talks Live Episode 15 – (Emma Young – Nottingham Building Society) – YouTube
Careers Talks Live Episode 1 – Michael Baxter (Virtual work experience in Finance) – Bing video
HR Careers Talks Live Episode 18 – (Helen Wright – Trent Bridge – How to get in to HR) – YouTube
Armed forces
RAF Careers Talks Live Episode 16 – (Kayleigh Stevenson – RAF) – YouTube
Army Careers Talks Live Episode 21 – Julie Booton – (British Army) Careers in the Army – YouTube
Creative careers
Photography Careers Talks Live Episode 11 – Careers in Photography (Hayley Masom – Captcha Photography) – YouTube
BBC Journalism Trainee Scheme: Become a news journalist at the BBC – YouTube
An interview with Teen Vogue’s Editor in Chief Teen Vogue’s Editor-In-Chief Explains Her Career Path, from First Job to Current | Teen Vogue – YouTube
Virtual Careers Fayre organised by a college in the UK
Itchen College – Virtual Careers Event – YouTube
Upcoming events:
Virtual Job Fairs 2021 (lbwfadultlearning.co.uk) Click this link to book and join online.
Opportunities with Liverpool City Council
At Liverpool City Council there are a wide range of career choices including finance, procurement, social care, public health, environmental health, marketing and communications, culture and tourism, highways, licensing, sports and leisure, port health, city developments, education, digital and ICT, human resources and more. The Council have centralised their work experience requests process with a form that you can fill in here.