Firstly, if you’re not sure what you’d like to do when you leave school, try the SACU careers quiz for some pointers.
In KS5, we tailor our programme so that students are supported through the transition to Post 16 plans in a number of ways:
- Embedding the skills of resilience, independence and autonomous learning
- Post 18 options are explored via PSHE lessons; super curricular activities; attendance at the annual Apprenticeship and University Fayre
- Utilising alumni links; university, apprenticeship and employer partnerships
Each student in KS5 also benefits from the STEPS programme. This is a complete careers programme consisting of individual student workbooks which take students through the stages of career planning from age 11, right through to planning post-18 options. The workbooks are progressive, relevant to each age group and cover a range of issues to help students to understand more about themselves, find out about careers and the world of work and help them to plan for their future. These sessions are delivered across the year during morning registration. Additionally, one assembly per half term is dedicated to CEIAG to further support our students.
A map of the learning journey through the careers programme can be found here.
CareersBox video shorts shown in form time raise awareness of a number of different career opportunities across a range of sectors.Students and parents / carers are made aware of Post 16 pathways and opportunities via our website and newsletter.
All Year 12 students complete weekly Christian Action placements in the local community and an additional week of Work Experience in July.
Students are actively encouraged and supported to undertake work experience opportunities linked to their career paths when opportunities arise. Students can also self refer to our CEIAG advisor for further support.
Please click here to read a Parents and Carers’ Guide to opportunities for school leavers
Please click here to access a Parents’ Guide to Apprenticeships and you’ll find the student guide here.
Please click here to access a student guide to Post 18 pathways
Please click here for a copy of the UCAS Parents’ Guide for 2025 Entry
Please click here to find a list of virtual online opportunities
University Related General Resources
- WhatUni
- The Complete University Guide to studying in the UK
- Uni Taster Days – On Demand Webinars
- Target Careers career/degree mapping course
- How to apply to uni—a parent’s guide – YouTube
- What are Russell Group universities? – YouTube
- Applying to Oxford: OxNet
- Applying to Cambridge: ApplyCambridge
- The Graduate Market in 2022
- The UniTasterDays Students’ Guide to University
Next Steps After UCAS
As our applicants continue to wait for offers, attend interviews and decide between their firm and insurance choices, each of them will be issued with this handy booklet. Produced by the University of East Anglia, it’s a useful tool to explain the next steps. To access a copy, click below.
Destination Information

Destinations 2024: Provider Breakdown

Destinations 2024: Sector Breakdown